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Service and installation partner network


The quality of inVENTer products stands and falls with the quality of installation and maintenance.
To ensure quality standards for installation and maintenance and to make it easier for our customers to find qualified partners for their ventilation projects, we train certified service and installation partners at the ventilation school (Lüftungsschule).
We now created a landing page on our homepage to make it easy for end customers, landlords or housing associations to find those trained partners.

On the landing page, you can find either installation partners or maintenance partners on an implemented map. Some of the partners provide both, some only one of the services.

We already educated 18 partners in all of Germany, 19 new partners are aspirants.

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    Welcome to inVENTer

    Your ventilation expert will contact you as soon as possible!

    Mo – Thu: 07:00 – 16:30 Uhr
    Fr: 07:00 – 15:00 Uhr

    [group phone-required]
