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Decentralized living space ventilation

The legitimate goal of saving more and more energy means that building envelopes are becoming increasingly dense. This almost completely prevents a once natural exchange of air via leaks in the building. A lot of energy is lost as a result of the additional ventilation required.
Decentralized living space ventilation with heat recovery can remedy this problem. The following five articles provide more detailed information on decentralized living space ventilation.

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Construction of a decentralized ventilation system

Decentralized ventilation systems for living spaces are designed in such a way that the ventilation units are divided in pairs in different positions within a residential unit. The first step for the installation of a decentralized ventilation system is the Planning and Calculation of the necessary air volumes.

Advantages of decentralized ventilation

Anyone who researches the ventilation market quickly realizes that there are different types of mechanical ventilation and that countless suppliers sell their products in the individual categories. In addition to the well-known central ventilation systems, decentralized systems have been becoming more and more popular for years. You can find a comprehensive comparison of the individual ventilation units here. Decentralized ventilation systems offer many advantages, which are summarized in this guide.

Ventilation concepts for ventilation planning

The developments in recent years have led to an increasingly airtight building envelope (facade, window, roof) in new buildings and after modernization. The clear goal is to keep heat losses as low as possible. At the same time, however, a change of air is absolutely necessary in order to avoid excessive humidity inside and the associated risk of mold formation.

Cleaning a decentralized ventilation system

A decentralized ventilation system continuously ensures the right room climate. Regular cleaning and care are required to ensure the full functionality of the system over the long term. Find out why cleaning the ventilation system is important and how to do it correctly in just a few minutes.

Cost of a decentralized ventilation system

Due to increasingly dense building envelopes, multiple-glazed windows and heavily insulated roofs, there is hardly any natural ventilation. The result: rapid mold formation and permanent air pollution threaten the health of the residents and attack the building fabric. But what does the client actually get for the invested costs of decentralized ventilation?

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