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Planting trees for the climate

With 120 trees planted, third place in the inVENTer climate competition is redeemed.

Schöngleina, April 2022. Sustainability and environmental protection are top priorities at inVENTer. Thus, the room ventilation system promotes energy efficiency in apartments and houses, while at the same time paying attention to resource-saving product manufacturing. However, since climate protection also begins in the smallest details and everyone has it in their own hands how large their ecological footprint is, inVENTer contributes even more to the topic of environmental protection. As part of a climate competition, inVENTer employees and citizen volunteers are planting 120 trees in a forest area near Jena.

"Climate protection concerns us all"

Climate competition 2019: check! With the call “Climate protection concerns us all”, a competition was launched at inVENTer at the end of 2019 in which the aim was for employees to present environmentally friendly ideas that could be implemented either on their own or together with the company. Since then, 1st place proposals, delivered canteen food in organic cardboard boxes instead of aluminum, and 2nd place, hand dryers instead of paper towels in restrooms, have been successfully implemented. Now it’s been the turn of #3, the most costly project: Planting trees.

Not only a green heart, but also a green thumb

Due to the bark beetle and the increasing number of storms, forests, especially spruces, are more affected. Together with the city of Bürgel, inVENTer was allowed to plant 120 trees in a forest area near Schöngleina, close to Jena. Employees of the company as well as citizens of the city of Bürgel actively helped and planted the seedlings on Maundy Thursday afternoon. In order to maintain a healthy forest, four different tree species were selected. In addition to wild cherry, wild pear and wild apple, silver firs were also planted. Silver firs can withstand high temperatures and long periods of drought better than spruce, for example, and are becoming increasingly important for our forests due to climate change.

Why are trees so important for the climate?

Trees can neutralize carbon dioxide by storing it in their roots and releasing oxygen to the outside through photosynthesis. Without sustainable reforestation, we cannot protect our climate.
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    Fr: 07:00 – 15:00 Uhr

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