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360° Inside OutThe components of the inVENTer ventilation systems

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Compact ventilationFast installation, high performance

Unkomplizierte Kompaktlüftung von inVENTer

The iV-Smart+: compact, powerful and variable

The decentralized fans are inserted directly into the outer walls through a round opening. It is therefore often installed through a core drill hole. The iV-Smart+ series is so compact that a free-hand drilling of 180 mm is sufficient to fit the ventilation system into the outer wall quickly and without errors.

In its compact class, the iV-Smart+ is the most powerful decentralized ventilation system on the market and can be used flexibly from the basement to the attic.

Ventilation with high sound insulationWhisper-quiet fresh air for particularly high requirements

Dezentrale Schalldämmlüftung von inVENTer

The iV14-Zero for special sound insulation

Special requirements call for special solutions: the iV14-Zero offers optimal ventilation for high noise protection requirements. A special soundproof lining reduces external and internal noise to a minimum. The decentralized soundproof ventilator is therefore hardly noticeable acoustically and keeps out disturbing street noise of up to 56 dB(A). It thus ensures a quiet living or sleeping atmosphere with fresh air quality.

The patented sound insulation concept of the iV14-Zero is based on a special sound insulation lining made of Inventin.

Single room ventilationImproved moisture protection with 94% heat recovery

2in1 Einzelraumlüftung iV-Twin+ von inVENTer

The iV-Twin+ for bathrooms, kitchens and storage rooms

With double Xenion® power, the iV-Twin + ensures optimum moisture protection in the bathroom, kitchen and co. The supply and exhaust air flow are vertically separated from each other. It thus combines two fans in one. Thanks to the two ceramic storage tanks, the iV-Twin + has a high heat recovery of 94%. Perfect for bathroom ventilation, it ensures a mold-free, comfortably warm bathroom, especially in the cold season.

Perfect for bathroom renovation: with a raw diameter of 100 mm, installation is quick and easy by means of core drilling.

Ventilation for large roomsThe strong performance-plus devices

Lüftung für Büros von inVENTer

Ventilation for offices, fitness studios and kindergartens

In rooms where several people are present, the CO2 concentration increases rapidly. The iV-Office and the iV14-MaxAir ensure fresh, oxygen-rich and healthy air through a continuous air change. The regular exchange of air also ensures that the aerosol concentration in the interior is reduced.

Healthy air doesn’t have to be cool. At the heart of our fans is a ceramic core that first stores the heat from the indoor air and then releases it back to the incoming outside air in a second step.

Further efficient ventilation solutionsFor special requirements

Kostengünstiger Basislüfter iV-Light von inVENTer

iV-LightThe efficient basic fan

Anyone looking for an inexpensive yet efficient ventilation solution will find an answer in the iV-Light. With its 160 mm pipe diameter, it can be installed quickly and ventilates effectively and reliably.

iV-Compact Lüftung für dünne Wände von inVENTer

iV-CompactFor especially thin walls

Newer construction projects or special constructions such as garden houses or bungalows often get by with thinner outer walls. Thanks to its special design, the iV-Compact can be optimally integrated even with thin walls and it ventilates efficiently with heat recovery.

inVENTer PAX für die Belüftung von Studentenwohnheimen

inVENTer PAXSound protection ventilation for mini apartments

Whether in student dormitories, hotels or nursing homes – the inVENTer PAX ventilates small residential units quietly and efficiently. It is installed in the center of the apartment in the exhaust air room and brings fresh, preheated supply air into the adjacent living room and ensures more living comfort and moisture protection.

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