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Wireless decentralized ventilation

The new wireless control inVENTer Connect makes it possible

Wireless decentralizedThat's how it's done!

Ventilate from the basement to the roof

Once connected to the power supply, the Connect inner cover communicates with all ventilation devices via an independent network. With the help of intelligent sensors, a comfortable climate at home is ensured.

Wireless control of ventilation devices and zones

With the "Easy-Connect" controller, up to 16 ventilation units and up to 4 ventilation zones can be controlled. The free app "inVENTer Mobile" controls the individual ventilation profiles, connected via Bluetooth.

Landingpage-Connect-Grundriss-1-Kabel-sMove Landingpage-Connect-Grundriss-2-Lueftungsprofile

New: the Connect control is also available for the iV-Office and the iV14-MaxAir.

Wireless ventilation?These are my advantages with Easy Connect

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That is inVENTer ConnectComponents & functions

Easy Connect e16 controller

The Easy Connect controller is the central hub for the inVENTer Connect wireless network. The wireless control unit has a clear information display that provides you with information about the indoor and outdoor temperature, the humidity and the CO2 content of the room air. The controller serves as an access point for the “inVENTer Mobile” app and also offers the option of quick access on the spot, even without the app.


Basic Connect e4/ e8 controller

The Basic Connect combines the innovative radio control of the Easy Connect with the simple, intuitive operation of the popular sMove control system. The Basic Connect therefore dispenses with ventilation zones, automatic profiles and a connection to the inVENTer Mobile app. What remains is the simple, wireless installation of the devices and demand-led control thanks to optional sensor technology.

Available soon!

Inneer cover Connect

The inner cover is one of the main components of the inVENTer Connect wireless system and replaces the standard inner covers of the iV-Smart+, iV14-Zero, iV-Compact and iV-Light ventilation units to enable integration into the wireless network. In addition to the radio interface, the Connect internal cover has local control electronics, a power supply unit and an automatic shutter. In the flush-mounted version, the Connect inner cover is flush with the wall when closed and therefore almost invisible.

"inVENTer Mobile"- App

You can control your ventilation system with the “inVENTer Mobile” app. The app connects to the Easy Connect controller via Bluetooth. You can then assign ventilation profiles and make more detailed settings intuitively. In addition to the basic functions such as pause, boost and ventilation with heat recovery, the “inVENTer Mobile” app gives you full functional access to your inVENTer Connect system. The app is free of charge and available for the Android and iOS operating systems.

The app can only be used in conjunction with the Easy Connect e16 controller.

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Alle Daten, Funktionen und Infos über die inVENTer-Reglerplattform Connect.

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Flush with the wall & invisibleThe new Connect inner cover


In addition to the Easy/ Basic Connect controller, the Connect inner panel is a prerequisite for the radio control system. The inner cover has sophisticated electronics that control the automatic closing mechanism, among other things. Whether as a flush-mounted or surface-mounted version, the Connect inner cover blends discreetly into the living space.

Ventilation devices for inVENTer ConnectWireless & decentralized

inVENTer controller comparisonControl for every requirement

Easy Connect e16
Basic Connect e4/e8
sMove s4/s8
Power connection required
Number of controllable devices
up to 16
up to 4 / up to 8
up to 4 / up to 8
Zone control
Touch and slide function
Expandable sensors
Humidity/temp., CO2, SK19
Humidity/temp., CO2
Hygrostat, CO2
App control

Ventilation profiles and basement ventilationDemand-controlled ventilation with inVENTer Connect

Ventilation profiles with Connect

Your ventilation with inVENTer Connect is as individual as your lifestyle. Simply assigned via the "inVENTer Mobile" app, the ventilation profiles adapt the ventilation intensity in the respective living rooms to your use. Do you go to sleep at 10 p.m.? Then the ventilation pauses in the "bedroom" profile so as not to disturb you when you fall asleep and then ventilate properly again after you get up.

Basement ventilation with Connect

Damp walls and a musty smell - moisture often settles in unheated basements and walls become a breeding ground for mold spores. With inVENTer Connect, the basement ventilation is controlled completely automatically. Thanks to temperature sensors for inside and outside, the dew point is determined exactly and the fan knows exactly when it is allowed to ventilate.

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